Beginner Care Guide of Arowana

Common Name: Arowana
Scientific Name: Scleropages formosus
Average Size: Up to 60 - 100cm, varies with breed
Life Span: 8 - 15 years with proper care
pH: 6.5 - 7.5
Temperature: 24°C - 28°C
Water Hardness: 8 - 12 dH
Arowanas are carnivores. Provide them with live frozen insects, krills, worms or shrimp with soft shell.
Feeding Habit:
Arowanas is surface feeder and they often glide below the water surface.
May live in communal but becareful when introduce new fish.
Arowanas is an active jumper, so please keep the tank covered.
Aquarium Placement:
Keep away the aquarium from direct sunlight and electronic goods.
Aquarium Size:
Juvenile Arowana needs at least a 90 liters of aquarium tank where as a full grown Arowana needs 500 liters as minimum.
Do not require any driftwood or substrate as the sharp edge may hurt their body, and they need wide space to swim.
6 - 8 hours of lighting is recommended. Avoid extended exposure of lighting to prevent the growth of algae.
Water Temperature:
Maintain the water temperature to between 24°C - 28°C by using cooling fan such as ISTA cooling fan.
Water Change:
Advised weekly change 10 - 25% of your aquarium water, at least 40% of aquarium water monthly by using cleaning tools.
Staple diet:
Tetra Arowana is formulated with live dried food like krill, shrimps and crabs is highly acceptant by Arowanas.
Tetra ArowanaVital and JBL Atvitol can be given twice a week to strengthen their immune system.
ISTA Mineral Salt Arowana is formulated with a special blend of iodine and B - complex vitamins which stimulates the vitality, appetite, breeding and overall activeness.
Live insects such as crickets, mealworms, waxworms or frozen food can be fed occasionally.
Feeding young fish 1 - 2 times a day and only one time for adult Arowana. Remove any uneaten fish after 2 - 3 minutes with Nirox Fish Net.
Sign of healthy:
- Clear eyes
- Smooth and clean in appearance
- Healthy appetite
- Calm and steady gill movement
- Bright and even body coloration
Sign of illness:
- Loss of body coloration
- Lying on the bottom of aquarium
- Poor growth or weight loss
- Fins clamped to side
- Scraping body on rock
- Avoid fish tank from being overcrowded as it may cause stress to fish and higher chance for them to get sick.
- Regular water change and an appropriate filtration is needed to maintain a good water quality.
- Check water quality by using JBL Test Kit at least once a week.